Friday, May 20, 2011

The Bra Book


The Bra Book. Luciani, Jene. Benbella Books Inc., Dallas. ISBN 978-193377194-6


The Bra Book is just as the title suggests; a book about bras. It provides an interesting history of the bra as well as descriptions of the different types of bras. Most important is the chapter about how to find out your correct bra size. According to the book 85% of women are wearing the wrong size bras. Also covered are how to fix some bra issues like showing bra straps. The author shares her personal bra history indicating some of the insecurities women can have when it comes to their breasts.


This is one of two books that I did not find in the teen room. I went in search of a book that I thought would be helpful to teen girls. For many teens their breasts are a source of insecurity. Whether they think their breasts are too small, too large, or just not the right shape; teen girls obsess about them. The Bra Book provides a fun look at the bra and how the right bra can make you feel less insecure. Using comments from celebrities helps the author keep a fun casual tone throughout the book. The chapter on bra sizing is fantastic. Not only are the higher end department stores employing bra specialists, but stores like Victoria's Secret do as well. And Victoria's Secret has long been a favorite of teens. There is also a chapter on what types of bras men like. This chapter shows teen girls that there are just as many opinions about favorite bras as there are guys. One rapper indicated that it’s not the bra that is sexy, but the confidence of the woman that is wearing it. That is such an important message for teens. Although the bra is a piece of clothing, it carries a lot of weight (no pun intended). The right bra can make you feel more confident.


Everything you every needed to know about the bra and choosing the right one is in here.


Jené Luciani has been featured on various television shows, print, radio and web media. She has been recognized as a style source and authority over the last decade. She is slated to appear in the new BRAVO network show starring designer Chris March, airing in the summer of 2011. The NY Daily News calls her a "bra fit guru.”

As a columnist and contributor to several reputable publications and she has written about nearly every fashion related topic under the sun. Luciani currently hosts NBC’s‘s "Learn How Now" fashion and beauty webisodes, and writes for the beauty and style and pregnancy and parenting channels. For, she answers questions from readers in her "Ask the Bra Gal" column. Luciani is also a sought-after stylist and spokesperson, and is frequently called upon by major retailers and brands for personal appearances at fashion events, or to represent them on-air.

The author spent her early years playing dress up in the dressing rooms of her family's boutique in upstate New York, helping her mother with the buying, and modeling the clothes whenever needed. After a successful career as a TV news producer and broadcast journalist, covering everything from the Iraq war to the presidential elections, Jené forayed into fashion and never looked back.

She lives in New York with her husband and their daughter and is currently hard at work juggling mommy duties and penning her second fashion how-to tome. (Luciani)




New York State: None


How to choose the right bra
The right bra, for the right occasion


Age 14 and up



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I was looking for a book for girls. This book stood out because nearly every girl has gone bra shopping once.

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