Monday, May 16, 2011



Shiver. Stiefvater, Maggie. Scholastic Press, New York. ISBN 978-0-545-12326-6


As a young child Grace was taken from her backyard by a pack of wolves. While the other wolves were biting her one wolf stood by her side. She remembered his yellow eyes. As Grace grew up she had a fascination with the wolves in the woods behind her house. Sam remembers the day that the pack took Grace. He was a wolf that day, because of the cold. When the weather is warm, he is able to remain in his human form. The one thing that carries over from his human self to wolf is his yellow eyes. Finally Sam and Grace meet. She knows he is the wolf that saved her. Will they win the battle to keep Sam in his human form, or will Grace lose Sam to the wolf forever?


Shiver is a story about a human and a werewolf that fall in love. While there are some tense moments, it is a love story. Teens looking for a werewolf thriller will need to look elsewhere. Sam is not a typical werewolf, he changes when the weather is cold. He becomes a regular wolf in his pack. Grace is a teenager that is self-sufficient. Her parents are busy with their lives and although they love her, they pretty much leave her on her own. This is evident when Grace has Sam sleeping in her room night after night and her parents have no idea. Grace is mostly a responsible girl, yet is too young to be self-sufficient. Although she continually, shrugs it off, she misses having involved parents. This may seem like fun to many teens, but the truth is that teens need family and boundaries. Stiefvater does an excellent job, showing how it may be great for a little while, but Grace needs and misses her parents. Sam and Grace have an amazing connection. However, it seems to be an intense relationship. As an adult, I think it is too intense. Looking back however, I can see how teens will relate. So many teens get wrapped up in relationships, nothing else seems to exist. This is a great book for those teens looking for a love story with a twist.


Grace and Sam are in love. There’s just one problem…when the weather gets cold, Sam turns into a wolf!

Maggie Stiefvater’s web site has a great short autobiography:
All of my life decisions have been based around my inability to be gainfully employed. Talking to yourself, staring into space, and coming to work in your pajamas are frowned upon when you're a waitress, calligraphy instructor, or technical editor (all of which I've tried), but are highly prized traits in novelists, musicians, and artists (I've made my living as one of these since I was 22).

I now live an eccentric life in the middle of nowhere, Virginia, with my charmingly straight-laced husband, two small kids, two neurotic dogs, one criminally insane cat, and a 1973 Camaro named Loki.

I'm an avid reader, an award-winning colored pencil artist, and play several musical instruments, including the Celtic harp, the piano, and the bagpipes. I also make great cocktail party conversation. (Stiefvater)

Maggie Stiefvater is the author the Shiver series and the Books of Faerie. She also has a short story in the anthology Kiss Me Deadly and several other forthcoming projects. The third book in the Wolves of Mercy Falls trilogy (Shiver) is due out in July and The Scorpio Races comes out in October.




New York State: English


True love, two people meant to be together
What would you do if your boyfriend turned into a wolf when it gets cold?


Age 14 and up



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I’ve been hearing about this book for so long, I decided it was time to finally read it.

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