Monday, May 16, 2011



Tantalize. Smith, Cynthia Leitich. Candlewick Press, Cambridge. ISBN: 978-0-7636-4059-0


Quincie Morris is a seventeen-year-old high school student in Austin, TX. She is in charge of the family restaurant Fat Lorenzo’s, since the death of her parents. The restaurant has fallen on some hard times and Quincie is looking to re-launch the restaurant as Sanguini’s; the only vampire themed restaurant around. To make thinks even more interesting, vampires and werewolves (and other animals) are part of everyday life for the residents of Austin. Quincie’s best friend Kieren just happens to be a werewolf. In the wake of the murder of the head chef of Sanguini’s, Vaggio things in Quincie’s world seem to go pear shaped. While she waits for the day that Kieren tells her that loves her, Quincie has the job of getting the new menu and chef ready for the opening of Sanguini’s. Will the vampire-themed restaurant attract a more deadly crowd to Austin?


After reading the back cover of Tantalize, I was ready for Twilight-like book. While there are some similarities, like vampires, werewolves and a female character that older than her physical years, this is most definitely not Twilight. Tantalize has a dark feel to it. Throughout the book I kept waiting for that one really bad thing to happen. And of course it does. This is not a love story; it is the story of a young girl, that has way too much responsibility for someone her age. All the stress and pressure from the restaurant are taking its toll on Quincie. She begins shunning her best friend in favor of the new chef that opens up a new world to her. Although she finds her experience with Brad exciting and tempting, she knows somewhere, something is not right. She wants to fall back on the one thing she has always been able to count on, but Kieren seems to be pushing her away as he prepares to leave to join his pack. It seems to be rather predictable up until the very end. However, the darker side to the vampire/werewolf/human story will appeal to teens and will have teen reader’s wanting more.


Quincie is getting ready to re-launch the family restaurant as Sanguini’s A vampire themed restaurant. Her best friend is a werewolf and is being framed for the death of the former chef at the restaurant. Can things get any worse for Quincie?


Cynthia Leitich Smith writes for people of all ages; however she most enjoys writing for a younger audience. Smith is known for writing books that feature a mid to southwestern setting. Tantalize takes place in Austin, Texas where she currently resides.

In addition to novels, Smith also writes short stories. She has worn many hats throughout her life, ranging from movie theater popcorn-maker to law clerk to reporter. Smith has also taught legal writing and writing for children and young adults. She was a visiting faculty member at the Union Institute & University/Vermont College MFA in Writing for Children and Young Adults program. Smith became a permanent faculty member in October 2005.

Not to be outdone by her various wok history, Smith has also lived in various places: born in Kansas City, Missouri, Kansas, Illinois, Michigan, and Oklahoma. She is a tribal member of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation.

Today, she lives in Austin, Texas, with her four cats and her husband, award-winning children's book author Greg Leitich Smith. (Smith)




New York State: English


If you like Twilight, why not try Tantalize
Vampires, werewolves and humans…oh my
Could you run a family restaurant at age 17?


Age 14 and up


Sex, violence

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•Read the book or familiarize yourself with the book and its contents.
•Refer to the library’s collection development policy.
•Read the book reviews from sources such as Booklist, School Library Journal, Voice of Youth Advocates (VOYA), Publisher’s Weekly, or
•Seek the opinion of teen readers that have read the book.

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•Advise the senior staff of the challenge.
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It was required reading for the class

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