Thursday, May 19, 2011

How I Made It to Eighteen


How I Made It to Eighteen. White, Tracy. Roaring Book Press, New York. ISBN 978-1-59643-454-7


The graphic novel How I Made It to Eighteen begins with a note from the author stating that the book is mostly true. Stacy is seventeen and has checked herself into a mental hospital because she had a nervous breakdown. Stacy has used drugs and is depressed. We meet four of Stay’s friends that offer comments about their feelings towards Stacy, they also reveal some of her past. As Stacy journeys through therapy we learn about why she acts the way she does. We are able to see moments from her past that have influenced her life. Stacy makes friend at the hospital. One boy even has a crush on her. Stacy is so wrapped up in her dysfunctional relationship with her boyfriend Eric that she only focuses on him. Will Stacy be able to move on to find out the reasons why she uses drugs and is depressed?


How I Made It to Eighteen is a graphic novel. Stacy is depressed. The artwork reflects that. It is simple, very close to stick figures. Yet it somehow reflects depression. While the artwork is less than stellar; it lends itself to the story. Stacy does not see anything wrong with the way she is, except the fact that she just wants to be happy. She believes that being sarcastic and changing her look frequently is just part of who she is. She does not see the link in her behavior to not allowing people to get to know the real Stacy. Though he behavior, she pushes people away. As she goes through therapy, she begins to reveal things that caused her to act this way. Although the book is a journey through Stacy’s therapy, it lacks the intimacy of other books. How I made It to Eighteen, only seems to scratch the surface of what it is like to suffer from depression. The story is there, yet it somehow feels incomplete. I think that this is a reflection of Stacy never letting anyone get too close. The author wrote the book about herself, maybe she wanted to let people in to a certain extent. Maybe she is still having issues letting people get to close to her. It is a good beginning book for someone that is suffering from, or wants to learn about depression and self-destruction. However, there are better books like Cut and Hope in Patience that chronicles a more in depth journey.


Stacy is seventeen, just had a mental breakdown, and has checked herself into a mental hospital. This is her journey to find happiness.


How I Made It to Eighteen is a mostly true chronicle of Tracy White’s life. She grew up in New York City. She does not drive, loves dark chocolate, and collects Japanese stickers. She is not very tall but is a big reader. Growing up she always drew and made up stories. Now she does both together but not at the same time. Her website TRACED is an ongoing comic about her life that’s mostly true but sometimes isn’t.

According to her website she just returned from a trip to L.A. where she taught a comics workshop for teens at the Encino-Tarzana Library. White also participated in a panel with Deborah Vankin and Kazu Kibuishi moderated by Aaron Hatzler at the L.A. Times Book Fair. White is a huge fan of Cecil Castellucci and was able to meet her at the festival.

Her website does not mention any plans for another book. (White)


Fiction, Graphic Novel


New York State: English, Art, Health


Depression and drug abuse
How to be happy


Age 14 and up



In order to prepare yourself should this book be challenged you may wish to take the following steps:

•Read the book or familiarize yourself with the book and its contents.
•Refer to the library’s collection development policy.
•Read the book reviews from sources such as Booklist, School Library Journal, Voice of Youth Advocates (VOYA), Publisher’s Weekly, or
•Seek the opinion of teen readers that have read the book.

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I wanted to include a graphic novel that was not manga.

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